To guide the world to a healthier and refined version. We as humans are capable of healing ourself, as a practitioner of Ayurveda i firmly believe in my role as a tool in the path of good health.
To provide holistic and unique result- oriented healing. Good health is the most valuable possession anyone could possibly have. Principles of healing remains same in Ayurveda for many ages now, producing wonderful results in new age diseases also.
Ayurveda is a time tested system of medicine and has comprehensive insight into the secrets of healing and longevity and a holistic perception. Ayurveda understood the intimate relationship between mind and body long back, about 5000 years ago.The human body has got no built-in programmes for sickness. But it has got a programme for equilibrium or svasthata. So to heal means to achieve this svasthavastha or equilibrium.
The three doshas mentioned in Ayurveda are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. ‘Dooshayanti iti doshah, those which vitiate the other substances of human body after getting vitiated themselves is called Doshas. in sama doshavasta (balanced tridoshas) one is swastha (healthy).
Just as the external world is maintained by the forces, Vaayu, Surya and Chandra, the sareera- the living body is also maintained by Tridoshas. If any disturbances take place in vaayu, sun or moon the World suffers serious calamities. In the similar way if any derangement takes place in Tridoshas, the living body also suffers with diseases.
Every man or woman on the Earth borns with some or other physical and mental peculiarities which remain with him/her throughout the life. Such features which are acquired by birth itself are called Prakruti. Kapha prakruti is considered as Uttama prakruti. When all the three doshas are normal from the very begining of life, it is known as Sreshta prakruti or Sama prakruti.
Panchakarma is the five treatments which help the vitiated doshas to move outside the living body. the detoxification achieved through these treatments restore the health back to normal.